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Ways to Be a Public Speaker as an Introvert

by Admin Sasing / 20 April 2024 / Published in Machung

Starting a thrilling public speaking career as an introvert can be a surprisingly empowering experience. Despite the popular belief that extroverted individuals possess engaging speaking skills, introverts offer a certain charm to the stage. An American Psychological Association (APA, 2018) study found that introverts are stronger at in-depth subject analysis and careful preparation, which results in well-crafted and thought-provoking presentations. mmercial developers. Future public speakers, listen up!

Fun fact: According to Johnson (2017), the legendary orator Abraham Lincoln was an introvert, demonstrating that powerful speeches are not only the preserve of extroverts. 

Get ready to discover the insider secrets of accomplished introverted public speakers, gain knowledge from their approaches, and see how introversion can be the secret to making an impact as we dive into this listicle.

A public speaker getting ready to present his material

Preparation Tips

Before the spotlights finds you, there’s an important moment that transforms introverted fear into confidence. Imagine having a secret arsenal of tips and tricks, specially made for the introverted soul. In the world of public speaking, preparation is your weapon and compass. Let’s find a strategy that guides you through preparation, and makes you embrace the spotlight with poise. BE READY! THE STAGE IS YOURS!

Speak Often and Everywhere

A friend from the National Speakers Association advised that we should at every opportunity possible (Ravinal, 2022). Consistent practice is one of the keys to sharpen our public speaking skills. Speaking often not only boosts confidence, but also sharpens communication skills. Each opportunity, no matter how small, contributes to our growth.

Practice Makes Perfect 

If available, audio- or videotape yourself or rehearse in front of one or more friends or family members. This will allow you to receive feedback and cut down on your nervousness later on. For an alternative solution, you can practice in front of a mirror (Garies, 2006). It also helps you to see your expression and body language. 

Trust Your Ability

Recognize that your unique perspective and voice bring value to your message. By trusting in your capabilities, you lay the foundation for an authentic presentation. In the words of Chris Skellet, “Define trust as an assumption of predictable and affirming outcomes. This suggests that when we trust, we are assuming that what we expect to happen will actually happen”. So It’s clear that trust is an important component in this venture.

A public speaker is having his day

While Delivering Public Speaking

Make Yourself Relax and Comfortable

As an introvert, comfort is one of the keys to delivering public speaking effectively and smoothly. Make yourself comfortable on stage so that your delivery of information can be well-structured. When you are relaxed in speaking, confidence will naturally grow and your public speaking will appear well-prepared. 

Maintain Eye Contact

If you want to emphasize self-confidence and authority when delivering a public speech, making eye contact will help you! Eye contact indicates that you value your audience who has willingly attended to listen to your speech. You are a professional introvert if you can maintain eye contact with your audience. 

Know The Target Audience

This will help you whether you will use formal or informal communication. By choosing the appropriate speaking style, you can build an appropriate interaction among the audience. For example, when delivering a speech on effective study tips, the targeted audience is students, so you should use a casual and light language to ensure they easily grasp the meaning of your ideas.

Keep Your Volume Up and Variate The Intonation

In delivering public speaking, you should pay attention to your voice volume and intonation. This is because the audience’s first impression depends on whether our voice is clear or not. Once your voice volume is steady, next you should play with intonation to keep the audience engaged and attentive to what you will say next, so they won’t get bored.

Use Your Body Gestures

The last thing that is equally important in delivering public speaking is body gestures. This part is also something crucial because aside from boosting our confidence, our public speaking will also appear more flexible. Using body gestures can also reduce nervousness!

Post Public Speaking

Take A Deep Breath

Take a moment to inhale deeply and exhale slowly after your speech. A study that was published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology (Johnson et al., 2020) found that deep breathing causes the parasympathetic nervous system to become active, which lowers stress and fosters relaxation. By using this straightforward yet effective strategy, presenters can recover their composure and keep a composed after-talk.

Say Thank You To Yourself

After you finish speaking, give yourself a moment of gratitude. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology (Davis & Emmons) demonstrates the beneficial effects of self-appreciation on general wellbeing. Writing a thank-you message to yourself for overcoming the difficulties of public speaking might help you feel more confident and have a more positive mentality.

Take Your Time

Take some time to reflect after giving a speech in public, as recommended by Grant and Sonnentag’s study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2021. Thinking back on the event might help one grow personally and improve future presentations. In addition, according to studies published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, look for a peaceful, comfortable area for relaxing in (Hartig et al., 2022). This highlights the benefits of spending time in nature or setting up a comfortable space for relaxation, which can help with mental renewal and upholding an optimistic outlook. In addition, a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin suggests that you embrace silence as a way to refuel (Larson, 2020). 

Enjoy Your Favorite Food

Enjoy your favorite foods during your “me time” after public speaking. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology (Sela & Berger, 2023) found that eating in one’s favorite comfort foods might make one feel good and happy. Enjoying a delicious meal is a straightforward yet powerful method of recharging yourself following the stresses of public speaking. A study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Jacka et al., 2017) indicates an extensive connection between eating habits and emotional state. Eating nutrient- and flavor-rich foods has a good effect on mental health. Selecting your preferred foods can therefore improve your mood and sense of satisfaction in addition to offering a delicious experience.

Who says food doesn’t have anything to do with public speaking?

More Tips and Tricks

Go With The Flow

Unfortunately, not everything can be under your control at all times, especially in a public environment. Sometimes things just don’t go your way during your public speaking session. Perhaps the power point you meant to show was on the wrong slide, or technical difficulties happened and disrupted your presentation, or noises are distracting both you and the audience. But that’s alright. Whether you want it or not, you have to go with the flow. Never let there be a silent moment during the presentation, since it shows that you are underprepared for situations like these. Joke a little about the disturbance, recount points that you have said previously, engage in conversations with the audience while you wait. Of course, this technique requires practice and preparation, which only enhances their importance.

The Audience Is Not Your Enemy!

Not everyone likes being taught something, not everyone likes listening to someone talk for hours, and not everyone will fully lend their attention to you. But that’s alright. The audience isn’t here to be your enemy and shame you publicly; unless you really deserve it; so don’t give them a reason to. As mentioned on previous points, you have to know your target audience. Don’t be condescending and show signs of enmity or arrogance, even if you are personally tired or forced to speak in public. Be friendly and approachable, make the session fun and engaging in its own ways. The audience may not always listen to you, but when they do, they will appreciate a speaker who’s putting effort into their work. 

Don’t Rely Too Much On Your Tools

Part of being a good speaker is to be fluent in your presentation. Not so much improvisation, but being able to transition from point to point without much issue or stutter. What a lot of people that aren’t confident in their abilities do is to rely on their tools, like reading off of a phone or the powerpoint. It’s good to have them and they can help you, but relying on them fully will not look good. Oftentimes it makes you sound monotone, and it also makes you look like you didn’t try to put effort in your public speaking. Always try to at least memorize the things that you intend to put emphasis on. It’s not an easy thing to immediately do, especially those who are nervous or those with bad memory, but doing it often in small amounts will eventually help out in the long run.


Public speaking is definitely an acquired skill. Some people have a better knack for it, but anyone can polish their public speaking skills by studying for example in Prodi Sastra Inggris Universitas Ma Chung. Start small by talking to yourself more to keep your tongue flexible. Continue by understanding the topics that you are going to present; an underrated step that many often overlook. Take notes of your own presentation and never settle for mediocrity, always look to be better. Show others that even though you’re an introvert that doesn’t speak much, your rare words are structured with power and wisdom.Introverts most likely understand the feeling of wanting to talk, but are too shy to do so. We’ve all been there. That should be your drive, and public speaking is your chance. It’s alright if it takes a long time to adjust to the public stage and to learn the tips and tricks listed here, as long as you’re willing to improve. Have fun, and enjoy the process.

This article was composed in collaboration by Lauren Bestesia, Atika Rahma Felinda, Irene Theofine, Haskel Abipramono Wicaksono

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