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Jadwal Buka ADMISI UMC

Senin-Jumat 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Ketika Kamboja dan Malang Bersatu

by Humas Universitas Ma Chung / 7 August 2023 / Published in Machung

Perwakilan dari Cambodia University of Technology and Sciences (CamTech University) melakukan kunjungan ke Universitas Ma Chung pada Jumat, 4 Agustus 2023 yang lalu. Kunjungan ini berbuah manis dengan dibuatnya suatu tonggak penting dalam perjalanan kerja sama akademik antara kedua institusi.

Rombongan dari CamTech dipimpin oleh Rektor yaitu Dr. Sothy Khieng, dan salah satu pendiri utamanya yaitu Prof. Rethy dan disambut dengan hangat oleh Rektor Universitas Ma Chung, Dr. Ir. Stefanus Yufra Menahen Taneo, M.S., M.Sc beserta jajarannya.

Dalam kunjungan ini, kedua belah pihak melakukan diskusi yang mendalam mengenai berbagai topik, termasuk kekayaan sejarah dan visi pendirian kedua istitusi, serta potensi kerja sama antara kedua belah pihak dalam bidang akademik dan riset. Salah satu titik tekan utama dari diskusi ini adalah mengenai meritokrasi, pengabdian kepada masyarakat, serta pendidikan karakter dan kepemimpinan. Kesesuaian nilai-nilai yang dianut adalah dasar yang kuat untuk kerja sama potensial, dimana hal ini dapat memberikan dampak positif pada komunitas akademik dan masyarakat umum.

“Ada banyak peluang yang dapat dikerjasamakan, untuk riset, pengajaran, dan pengabdian pada masyarakat melalui pendanaan dari pemerintah atau pendanaan dari sumber lainnya,” demikian penjelasan dari Dr. Yufra. Pernyataan ini disambut baik oleh Dr. Sothy yang juga sama antusiasnya mengenai kerja sama ini.

Dari kerja sama ini diharapkan pintu bagi civitas akademika untuk melakukan pertukaran, kerja sama proyek riset, dan pembuatan program-program akademik dapat terbuka lebar, dimana hal ini akan mempertajam kualitas kedua insitusi. Ditambah lagi, dalam pertemuan ini dibahas juga mengenai kemungkinan bagaimana kedua belah pihak dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui kerja sama ini.

Potensi sinergi antara Camtech University dan Universitas Ma Chung mengandung komitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas akademik dan pembangunan masyarakat di lingkungan masing-masing, dan kedua belah pihak berkomitmen untuk mewujudnyatakan kerja sama ini dalam waktu dekat.

Good Vibes: CamTech University Cambodia Visits Ma Chung University

Representatives from Cambodia University of Technology and Sciences (CamTech University) paid a fruitful visit to Ma Chung University on Friday, 4 August 2023, marking an important milestone in fostering academic collaboration between the two esteemed institutions. Led by the President of CamTech University, Dr. Sothy Khieng, and one of the major founders, Prof. Rethy, the delegation was warmly welcomed by Ma Chung University’s Rector, Dr. Yufra, along with Vice Rectors, Deans, and Study Program chairs.

During the cordial meeting, the teams from CamTech University and Ma Chung University engaged in fruitful discussions covering a wide array of topics. These included the rich history and founding vision of both universities, as well as exploring potential collaborations to further enrich academic and research opportunities.

One of the key highlights of the meeting was the shared vision of both universities, emphasizing meritocracy, community service, and character building. This alignment in values and goals laid a solid foundation for potential joint endeavors that could positively impact the academic community and beyond.

Dr. Yufra expressed his enthusiasm for the potential collaboration, stating, “There are a lot of opportunities for us to collaborate, for research, teaching, and community engagements through government funding or other sources.” This sentiment was echoed by Dr. Sothy, who also conveyed his excitement about the myriad possibilities for partnership between CamTech University and Ma Chung University.

Both institutions recognize the importance of fostering global partnerships to enhance the quality of education and research. The envisioned collaboration is expected to open doors for faculty and student exchanges, joint research projects, and the development of innovative academic programs that leverage the strengths of both universities.

Moreover, the meeting also explored possibilities for community engagement initiatives that would allow students and faculty from both universities to contribute to society’s welfare collectively. By combining their expertise and resources, CamTech University and Ma Chung University hope to create a more profound and lasting impact on their respective communities and beyond.

As the visit concluded on a positive note in that breezy afternoon, representatives from both institutions expressed their eagerness to move forward with the collaboration and work together to transform challenges into opportunities. The potential partnership between CamTech University and Ma Chung University holds the promise of fostering greater academic excellence and societal development in the region, and both sides are committed to realizing this shared vision in the near future.

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